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时间:2020-07-02 11:09:33
All your files and important data are encrypted!
To recover data you need decryptor.
To get the decryptor you should:
Send 1 test image or text file chinarecoverycompany@cock.li or chinarecoverycompany@airmail.cc.
In the letter include your personal ID (look at the beginning of this document).
We will give you the decrypted file and assign the price for decryption all files

After we send you instruction how to pay for decrypt and after payment you will receive a decryptor and instructions We can decrypt one file in quality the evidence that we have the decoder.

Only chinarecoverycompany@cock.li or chinarecoverycompany@airmail.cc can decrypt your files
Do not trust anyone chinarecoverycompany@cock.li or chinarecoverycompany@airmail.cc
Do not attempt to remove the program or run the anti-virus tools
Attempts to self-decrypting files will result in the loss of your data
Decoders other users are not compatible with your data, because each user's unique encryption key
1、瞬间还原技术 比如黑客或者破坏者,在下午3:00破坏或者加密了服务器数据,部署了鸿萌瞬间还原解决方案的客户,就无须担忧,鼠标轻点,将服务器还原到下午2:29分即可,您珍贵的数据即可重现。这种解决方案效率高,质量好,深受广大客户的喜爱。不足之处在于,如果客户的服务器硬盘存在物理故障,比如硬盘大量坏道等,则还原受到影响。

2、异机灾备   鸿萌以极具震撼力的价格提供各种数据、数据库的备份解决方案,可以将您的珍贵数据备份到其他设备或者云上,甚至连操作系统都可以备份出来。这样一旦遇到黑客破坏,则宝贵数据在别处还有备份,就可以轻松还原。不足之处在于没有述案件还原方案速度快。